Magento Source (Community) Vs Magento Commerce (Enterprise)
As a user of Adobe Open Source (formerly known as Community Edition), you are already familiar with the various advantages of the Adobe platform. But perhaps you haven't realized that Adobe Commerce gives you even more power.
Built-in Features
Magento Commerce
Magento Open Source
*Formerly Community Edition
Integrated Purchase, Payment, and Shipping Processes

Mobile-Optimized Purchase

Global sales

Catalog Management

Extended Functionality through the App Store

Compra instantánea

Site search

Business Intelligence dashboards

B2B functionality

Advanced marketing tools

Content preview and preparation

Customer loyalty tools

Page Builder WYSIWYG

Visual merchandisingl

Product recommendations

Customer segmentation

Magento Commerce Hosted Cloud
Magento Commerce Hosted Cloud

Cloud-Optimized commerce for Magento Commerce

Cloud onboarding process compatibility

Worldwide availability

Cloud availability SLA of up to 99.99%

Fast page loading with Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Performance monitoring tools

Web application firewalls

Enhanced security with fastly's DDoS and WAF services

PCI Compliance

Easy implementation

Optimized testing and updates

Technical Support
Customer success manager

Cloud onboarding process compatibility

Worldwide availability