Key Features of Magento Commerce

Architecture and security

  • Develop a modern technology stack using popular frameworks and adhering to industry standards.
  • Perform detailed customizations and easily add or remove functionalities with a modular codebase.
  • Use stable service interfaces to make site enhancements and customizations simpler and long-lasting across multiple releases.
  • Integrate Magento with third-party applications through efficient web APIs supporting SOAP and REST.
  • Handle interactions between extensions smoothly through plugins and dependency injection software design patterns.
  • Speed up time to market and improve product quality with a fully automated testing framework.
  • Utilize sample code to quickly build an Apple iOS 8 and higher application with Magento 2.0 API.
  • Update code with a standalone installer that checks prerequisites before installation.
  • Automate certain development and production tasks using the command-line interface.
  • Employ strong data encryption based on AES-256 and SHA-256 hashing.
  • Restrict password attempts with robust requirements and secure login processes for the admin panel.
  • Feel secure with regular scanning, external penetration testing, and bug bounty programs that promote platform security.
  • Stay informed about security issues through the Adobe Security Center and mailing list.

Discover the Key Features and Advantages of


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